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Keely Hoffman,
Director of Development

Keely was born and raised in Minnesota, where she moved across country as a young adult. She landed in Michigan 21 years ago and her three children call Michigan home. With a Master of Science in Nursing, Keely has practiced in a wide range of nursing roles, spending many years in nephrology, transplant, and dialysis. With a strong interest in public health, Keely worked as an occupational health consultant, promoting health and wellness, and for the past seven years in the school setting as a school nurse and Lead of her nurse team. She has participated in several school, church, and community organizations. Keely is excited to work on the Building Up team, and looks forward to the empowerment of communities to grow in their health and well-being.


β€œTo everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heavens; a time to breakdown and a time to build up.” Ecclesiastes 3:1, 3