Emmeline Weinert,

Emmeline Weinert works as a Disaster Program Manager for the Michigan Region of the American Red Cross and has managed non-profit programs in clinical and shelter settings. She is a strong believer in health care as a human right, and so is very excited to support the Building Up team in making life saving care accessible to the community of Sayyi and beyond.

After completing her Bachelors at Loyola Marymount University, Emmeline spent a year in Soweto, South Africa, working at the Diakonia AIDS Ministry. During her time in Soweto, Emmeline developed relationships and learned from partners in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa. In southeast Michigan, Emmeline is active in local community organizing, and serves as Board Chair for Washtenaw Refugee Welcome.


β€œTo everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heavens; a time to breakdown and a time to build up.” Ecclesiastes 3:1, 3